Hennepin Health introduces 2024 reinvestment initiatives

Published: Feb 01, 2024

Each year, Hennepin Health funds reinvestment initiatives. These innovative programs and projects focus on improving outcomes and care experiences for the community. All of the reinvestment initiatives address health and wellness needs that have been identified by healthcare professionals who provide care to diverse individuals and families. This year, Hennepin Health has reinvested $1.15 million in eight reinvestment initiatives with Hennepin Healthcare. 

“Reinvestment is a valued part of the Hennepin Health mission,” says Mike Herzing, Hennepin Health interim chief executive officer. “It allows us to give back to our partners by supporting new ideas and to close care gaps for underserved populations in Hennepin County. A core component of these reinvestments is the promotion of racial equity through access and support. We are honored to provide funding for these crucial initiatives.”

“We are excited to collaborate with Hennepin Health on this important work,” says Jennifer DeCubellis, Hennepin Healthcare chief executive officer. “This reinvestment initiative funding supports innovation that will improve the lives of our community members in the near term, and for years to come.”

2024 reinvestment initiative recipients

Mobile post-partum healthcare delivery

The funding supports maternal and child health needs of Black and Indigenous birthing parents and their newborns by providing medical services in a mobile clinic, managing coordination of care, and engaging in community support for the first six months of post-partum life. 

Hennepin HealthCare Cerebrovascular Ultrasound Lab – SAVE BRAIN initiative

The funding helps the Comprehensive Stroke Center at Hennepin Healthcare add a cerebrovascular ultrasound system for patient care. The system is a comprehensive, bedside cerebrovascular evaluation tool for earlier identification of strokes and other high-risk health events. This will shorten length of stay, improve patient outcomes, and relieve financial burdens.

Culturally responsive model of psychiatric care for Somali, East African, and other Muslim patients

This funding supports Hennepin Healthcare’s culturally responsive model of psychiatric care for Somali, East African, and other Muslim patients and their families. The program partners with Open Path Resources (OPR), a Minnesota-based non-profit that works directly with community to bring community voice to health care institutions and address health disparities.  

Improving inpatient to outpatient care coordination for medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD)

This reinvestment initiative funding improves patients’ transition between acute care and outpatient care by strengthening their discharge and follow-up support. It aims to increase patient engagement and retention in treatment and help them better manage their health.
Improving transitions of care from hospital discharge to primary care follow‐up
Funding for this initiative improves patient transition between inpatient and outpatient care by formalizing current workflows and implementing transitions of care billing codes in the Hennepin Healthcare Coordinated Care Clinic. 

Centralized PAP smear results management and follow‐up (PAP Core)

This funding will help Hennepin Healthcare PAP Core build a team of specialized nurses who will review PAP smear results and provide coordinated follow up to patients.

Hennepin Healthcare Systems Car Seat Safety Program

This reinvestment initiative funding addresses social determinants of health and reduces racial disparities related to car seat safety by supporting additional Child Passenger Safety Technicians (CPST), educational materials in multiple languages, standardized education for staff and caregivers, and advocacy for broader car seat access.

Healthy for life: skills and education through group medical visits

This funding supports Health for Life, a group medical visit curriculum offered to patients at the Internal Medicine Clinic at Hennepin Healthcare. These group medical visits will be available in English and Spanish, including supplemental materials, and have a group medical visit coordinator to support patients over the six-week program.

Hennepin Health will share the progress of these important initiatives throughout the year.